Fallout 3 Modded Game Saves Xbox 360

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Go to anyone that sells leather armor, combat armor, or laser pistols. Make sure they have 2 of at least one of these.

Buy the cheaper one. Sell it back. You should have lost money. Do it again and you will gain money because you are selling the trader the fully repaired version of the item you bought. Keep repeating this until you have gotten all their caps.

Buy everything you want from them (leaving enough caps to buy the leather armor, combat armor, or laser pistol)then repeat the process now wait (press the select/back button) for 3 to 4 days. All their stock will be back including their caps. Repeat for as long as desired. If it doesn’t work you are doing it wrong. In the quest you gotta shoot em in the head get all the keys for Crowley and give them to him. He will get up and leave the underworld. When he gets to the main room where the T-rex skeleton is, kill him and take his keys.

(NOTE: this will only work if you have not finished the quest yet). Head northwest until you get to a place called Fort Constantine (it is near raven rock).

Go into the CO quarters and keep going deeper into the fort, when you get to a room with three doors and a dead body by one of them, go into the only one that doesn’t have lock level 100. You will find the best armor in the game called the T-51b armor in the stasis field, there is also a fatman and some mini nukes too. (be sure to explore the rest of the fort including the main building there is some extra goodies around.). On your way to the Minefield, you’re almost there, but keep looking at your left. If you see some big antenas, go behind them, and continue to the Minefield. You’ll start to see some big white ramps. Between two of the ramps, you will see a dead body, so it will let you know your almost to a dog.

You are now in the Scrapyard! Go all the way to the left on a fence until you see the enterence.

When you see the enterence, don’t open it. Just keep going straight until you get to a turn. Take a right, and you’ll see another turn.

Now keep on going straight untill you enter a train yard inside the Scrapyard. Now you’ll start to hear shooting, hurry and follow the shooting. You’ll see a raider killing a dog. Kill ONLY the raider! When the raider is dead, but the dog is still alive, talk to the dog.

When you say the right words, the dog is your friend, and it will follow you. So now you earned a dog. In megton there is a armory where lucas simms keeps his weapons. The lockpick is very hard 100. If you break in, a robot like mister gutsy will start shooting you.

Fallout 3 Modded Game Saves Xbox 360 Download

Ths is what I did I unlock and ran to my house where deptuy sheriiff attack my robot wadsworth and he is dead now let wadworth wound the robot but he will die if you do. Go back to armory and you will see chinesse assault rifle and a hunting rifle and combat shotgun its up to you if you want to sell them. NOTE: some of the guns are horrible condition. This is actually only available to those with the broken steel expansion. On the quest where you need to get the tesla coil you have to talk to rothchild and ask him about something that can help you with old olney. He will send you to another scribe that gives you a device called a deathclaw scrambler control. (or something close to that) it makes it so all enclave mind controlled deathclaws are friendly to you and will protect and follow you.


NOTE normal deathclaws are still hostile and when fastraveling while having a deathclaw follower, it will die. (reasons unknown). When you are at the museum of history go down the hall and turn left until you get to a a wooden door not the giant skull door but. You can not easily find the figure go inside and it will take you in the lower levels of the building be prepared there is 1 glowing one and about 30 feral ghouls kill all them and loot the area then go into a room with book shelves this is the treasure of this area then go inside behind one of the book shelves is a action figure of Abraham Lincoln this is just a easter egg that does not sell for a lot but it makes a unique house decoration. NOTE:this area is always found when doing the head of state quest when you have 2 find the large poster of the memorial.

This is the same as a MEATSACK. But instead of just a shopping cart, bodies can be used as a bullet catcher! Just decapitate the body (to make it lighter), pick it up (the body) and keep it pointed at the enemy. NOTE: this will NOT work on melee opponents or heavy weapons, mini guns excluded. But laser based or bullet based will be absorbed by the dead body in front of you. This is a good tactic against raiders and super mutants. Not lurks or ferals.

You can’t fire while doing this so get close and slash and gash is this technique! OK so first off in order for this to work you need to go to megaton and talk to Jericho and ask him to follow you (you need to have under 1000 caps)he will tell you he can’t and he says comeback when you got the caps.


Now leave and go to underworld and get Charon by killing the other clerk. Take Charon to megaton and talk to Jericho again you should get a different dialog option Ex. I got the caps now want to join me.

(you must have at least 1000 caps now) and he should reply sure I want to get back out there again. And that’s all there is too it.

(NOTE if you leave the main dc ruins to do an expansion you will lose the capabilities to have two followers at once). In SatCom Array NN-03d, go to NN-03b-B by underground from NN-03b-A. You will see the section of the room that looks like a laboratory. Right next you can see a passage been blocked by nailed up plank wood.

If you take a look inside, there is a giant teddy bear lock up by the barricade. It is possible to take the teddy bear.

To obtain it, you need 15 frag mines and a BB gun. Throw the 15 frag mines on the table (if they fall on the floor it will still work) equip your BB gun and shoot the mines, the giant teddy bear will glitch through the wall for you to take it, they can be used as unique decorations for your house. (note: once picked up, keep it til you get to your house and drop it, if you take it again, it be back to a normal size teddy bear). During the Super Human Gambit quest, get at least any kind of power armor (most likely Telsa armor) and the helmets (telsa helmet). Pickpocket both of them first and place the telsa armor and helmet. Then go out ant go back in and pickpocket them again to obtain both of there costumes, once you get both of there costumes, talk to both of them and give the costume to them and they will give you there weapon (results in bad karma) if you want you an kill both of them to get the costumes back.

Note: be sure you have about 8-10 stealth boys (or chinese stealth suit if you have operation anchorage) or good sneak skill and save before attemping to pickpocketing both. Travel to the town of Arefu. Near there is aroaming trader named Crow.

Kill Crow and take hiskey. Then Head to Canterbury Commons. Go into themayors house, up the stairs and second door on theright. This room should contain all of thedifferent traders supplies. Find and open CrowsLocker. Inside there should apparel and a pencil. The Pencil weighs nothing and has a value of 1which means an unlimited number can be held.

Takethe Pencil out and close the locker. Now open thelocker and again and inside should be anotherpencil. There will always be a pencil inside nomatter how many you take. Keep doing this untilyou get the amount of pencils you want.

Now sellthe pencils to any merchant for caps. Repeat theprocess to get unlimited Caps. (NOTE: EACH TIME APENCIL IS TAKEN, YOU LOSE KARMA). When you find minefield, head up the hill behind it (try not to use Arkansas if you want a good person you’ll need him for the “Just Buissness” Quest).Up the hill you will find a power station.

You can go into the power sub-station, but don’t go into the bigger building – there are so many feral ghouls that its hard to fight them all so get the ghoul mask then go in. But on the world map, if you zoom in enough you will see grid lines. There should be and intersection of lines above the station its not the first intersection but the one after it is where the crash is along with 110-120 shots for the alien blaster which is also at the site. Strength – It is in the sheriff of megatons house on his desk. Endurance – Is in the DeathClaw sanctuary use the (easier Deathclaw kill hint) to get to it.

Repair – In arafu the dude who shoots at you when you first get there it is in his house on his desk. Medical – Right before you take the goat your father is examining you when you are done talking to him look on his desk and there it is. Charisma – Is in Vault 108. It only has 2 areas so it isn’t hard to find. Unload all your stuff before you go down there.

There’s a lot of armor and weapon parts. But look out for the clones I recommended using a combat shotgun because they only have lead pipes and knives. First you need the dart gun V2 or higher. When you spot one or the more likely one hits you from behind do the following: 1. Shoot it once with the dart gun wherever you have the highest chance of hitting it. If you have one, pull out a combat shot gun and let it get as close as you feel comfortable. (Let it get pretty close because it can no longer charge at you (the dart gun will kill it’s legs).Then aim for the head.

You should be able to get in 3 shots in vats if it’s not dead from that. Then it should only take one more shot, which you can do normally. While in vault 87 you will come to a room and hear something that sounds like a Super mutant talk to you. That will be Fawkle. He is in a medical cell to the left of the door. Use the intercom to the right of his cells window to talk to him. He will ask you to let him out – be as nice as you can be in your responses and use all the intellect options you see.

He will tell you that he knows where the G.E.C.K. Is and that he will get it out of the room full of radiation for you if you let him out. Ask how to let him out and he will tell you that there is a fire alarm down the hall (To the right of the window) in a maintenance closet. Go to the room but don’t press the alarm if you can hack average computers there is one behind the alarm that opens individual doors to the cells. Hack it and open all but room #2 and #1 (these have bad guys in them – a guy named Sid in 1 and a centipede in room 2) All the others have ammo and a pearl in them and maybe some food. Now go back to Fawlke and talk he will then lead you to the room filled with radiation he will tell you to stay here and be on guard for more super mutants.

He will then go get the G.E.C.K. And bring it to you. He won’t follow you just yet. Ask him to come anyway when he says no. Leave before you get out you should get ambushed by the enclave (there is nothing you can do about this because it’s a cut seen).

You will wake up to being questioned by the enclave. The president will let you go to come and see him but as soon as you step outside the door a guard alerts every one close that you got out you have to fight your way to the president. About half of the way there the president says to stand down and let you pass then a couple seconds latter the guy who was questioning you says to ignore the president is orders use the time between the 2 to make some distance without resistance.

When you get to the president, accept the virus so that he will help you get out using robots and turrets placed on the way to the exit. When you get out side you should see Fawlke with a Gatling laser mowing down some enclave. Talk to him ask about his new toy and then ask what he is doing here then ask him to come with you this time he should accept if you did it right. Now you can talk to him and have him carry items that make you over weight and change his fighting style and how close he follows you. You can also fire him but after all that hard work do you really want to!

After you have been playing for a while go to megaton and look for radio signals. If the time is right there should be a vault 101 distress signal. Listen to it and you will get a message from Amata through it she will ask you to come back because her father is mad with power. (she changed the vault password to her name) Go there and the first person you meet should be a guard. Don’t cause trouble just be nice and then ask if he can take you to Amata.


He will and you get about half way there when he tells you to stay back some old guy will fire at butch then butch will run away ask the guard to take you to Amata again and follow him. He will lead you pretty far then, stop and tell you he can go no farther or he will get attacked go up the stairs and Butch will run at you – don’t shoot him. He will stop and ask you to take him away.

Tell him that your here to help the vault. Then talk to Amata she’ll ask you to talk to her dad. Tell her that violence isn’t your thing at the end. Next, go to the overseers office talk to him be polite and use the speech command when ever it pops up. If your speech is high enough he will see the error of his ways and go find Amata and make her overseer she will then ask you to leave until she sorts things out in the vault because there are still people who blame you for what happened. Say you understand and leave.

You should get good Karma for it. You can gain infinite XP if your speech skill is high enough.

(At least about 30).Go to “Big Town”, located north of Vault 101. If you speak with a girl namedBittercup she should tell you about her dating exploits.

After speaking with her,go into the house marked “Common House” and speak to a man named Pappy. Thereshould be a speech skill dialogue option that says “You came here with Bittercup,right?” You will get XP every time you click it. Continue to do this and you canrack up XP in mere seconds.

To get Feral Ghouls to become friendly and even help you should you fight a creature or another you made hostile, help the ‘friendly’ ghouls in the mission ‘Tenpenny Tower’ and Roy Philips will give a mask that will, while worn, calms Ferals. Note: To get the mask, you MUST gain good Karma, so if you are making an evil person, try to gain a lot of evil before or make it up somehow, also, you should just kill Tenpenny beforehand on his balcony to get his suit, caps, and Sniper Rifle, which will not get you attacked because it was not in the building HOPEFULLY and you need a key for another quest. Vault 101 Citizenship Award (10) Got the Pip-Boy 3000The G.O.A.T. Whisperer (10) Took the G.O.A.T.Escape! (20) Complete 'Escape!' Following in His Footsteps (20) Complete 'Following in His Footsteps'Galaxy News Radio (20) Complete 'Galaxy News Radio'Scientific Pursuits (20) Complete 'Scientific Pursuits'Tranquility Lane (20) Complete 'Tranquility Lane'The Waters of Life (20) Complete 'The Waters of Life'Picking up the Trail (20) Complete 'Picking up the Trail'Rescue from Paradise (20) Complete 'Rescue from Paradise'Finding the Garden of Eden (20) Complete 'Finding the Garden of Eden'The American Dream (20) Complete 'The American Dream'Take it Back! (40) Complete 'Take it Back!'

Big Trouble in Big Town (20) Complete 'Big Trouble in Big Town'The Superhuman Gambit (20) Complete 'The Superhuman Gambit'The Wasteland Survival Guide (20) Complete 'The Wasteland Survival Guide'Those! (20) Complete 'Those!' In order to to do this glitch you have to meet with Sydney and help her get the decloration of independence. Once you do make sure she gets out alive and back to abraham, in rivit city. After that she will be in underworld in the ninth circle bar.

NOTE: to get sydneys gun you have to have a holo tape explaining why she was abandoned and what hapened to her father. If you have the tape go speak to sydney and talk about her past then talk about her father. A speak choice appears that says you have a holo tape from her father. She recognizes the voice and give you her ultra smg with ammo.

You can repeat as much as your little heart desires. This is for the first fallout 3, I don’t know if it works for the expansion packs, but you have to start the ‘Take it Back’ end quest, then when Elder Lyons is on the railing next to the big holder thing that held the robot, shoot him in the head and make sure he falls off the railing. (the other people shouldn’t shoot at you, they only attack you if you attack them) it will say he’s unconscious, and jump down after him, when he wakes up he will glitch out and shoot back up to the railing, it’s funny to do over and over again.:).

You can, but to start with you would need a modded Xbox 360, andsome extreme knowledge of the inner workings of the game itself.Even if you managed to mod the game, you would never be able to goonline with it without being banned from XBL.Now if you really don't care about being banned, keep in mind thatthe only kind of modding you be able to do with the 360 version ofthe game would be something like making yourself run faster, float,go through walls, alter the looks of a few items/people. Youwould never be able to take it as far as the computer modders go byrecreating whole levels and missions and creating new weapons orNPCs.

They can do some amazing stuff on the PC version. The 360?Not so much and too much hassle.