Nmx-aa-006-scfi-2000 Pdf

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This is a newonline system for the reporting of workaccidents. The legal representative of eachbusiness must enroll online with theirelectronic signature (FIEL). (the legalrepresentative of each business in Mexicomust go to SAT and be fingerprinted andphotographed for an electronic signaturethat consists of 2 files that a personstores on their computer. For allgovernment procedures, a permit, payingtaxes, etc you must do everything online andupload the 2 files that are your electronicsignature and it has the legal effect of ahandwritten signature.

We have had theFIEL for about 5 years now.). The system is online at739.08Static electricityin the workplace.

Safety conditions. Published in the DOF Nov. 7, 2008 – effective Jan.

7, 2009.1572.50UNDERGROUND MINES ANDOPEN PIT MINES – OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY CONDITIONS.9250.00Vibrations in the Workplace739.08Conditions of illumination in the workplace. Published in the DOF on Dec. 30, 2008 – Effective March 02, 2009924.08Colors and signsfor Health and Safety and identification of risks from fluids conducted inpipes,- Published Nov. 25, 2008 - Effective Jan 25, 2009-924.08Welding andcutting.

(welding, cutting, confined spaces) effective Jan 7,20091202.08System for the administration of work – Safety in the critical processes andequipment that handle hazardous chemical substances. Published in theDOF Sept. 6, 2012 – effective date June 6, 2014This Standard will cancel and replace NOM-028-STPS-2004 in June of 2014.See criteria for its application.1202.08Maintenance of electrical installations in theworkplace – Safety Conditions. Published in theOfficial Daily of the Federation Dec. 29, 2011 –effective date March 29, 20121202.08Preventive services ofoccupational health and safety – Functions and activities.1202.08CONSTRUCTION – HEALTH AND SAFETY CONDITIONS IN THE WORKPLACE.2035.00Safety conditions for performing tasks in confined spaces.Published in the DOF on Aug. 31, 2015 – effective November 30, 20151572.50, Safety conditions foraccess and the carrying out of activities of workers with disability in theworkplace.1752.50,Occupational psychosocial risk factors –Identification, analysis and prevention (Published in the DOF October 23, 2018and takes full effect October 23, 2019)$1572.50Occupational ergonomic risk factors -Identification,analysis, prevention and control.

Part 1: Manual loadhandling. That establishes the sanitary requirements for theprocessing and use of asbestos. Published in theDOF August 10, 1996585.00Environmental Health, water for human use and consumption –permissible limits of quality and treatments to which water must be submittedfor its drinkability.536.50, Labeling of medical devices, was published Dec. 12,2008 and became effective Feb 12, 2009 - NOM-137-SSA1-1995 is cancelled1202.50Labeling for prepackagedcosmetics products. Sanitary and commerciallabeling. Published in the DOF Sept 19, 2012 – tookeffect Dec.

Nmx-aa-006-scfi-2000 Pdf Download

Nmx-aa-006-scfi-2000 pdf printable

Nmx-aa-006-scfi-2000 Pdf File

19, 2012 Modification publishedin the DOF on Feb. 14, 20141572.50Good manufacturing practicesfor drug substances.Published in the DOF on February 4, 2016 – EffectiveAugust 03, 20163300.00, FOR THE INTEGRALATTENTION OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITY.2035.00Health requirements that the manufacturers, distributors, and suppliers ofpharmaceuticals utilized in the creation of medications for human use mustcomply with.721.50,That establishes the tests and procedures for demonstrating that a drug productis interchangeable. The requirements to which Authorized Third Parties thatperform interchangeability tests must be subject. The requirements forperforming biocomparability studies. The requirements to which Authorized ThirdParties, Research Centers or Hospitals that perform biocomparability tests mustbe subject to.2400.00Monitoring and quality control evaluation of water for human use andconsumption, distributed through public supply systems.

Published in the DOFSept. 24, 2001 – Effective Nov. 24, 20011017.50Environmental Health. Water for use and human consumption. Domestic type173treatment equipment.

Sanitary Requirements. Published in the Official Daily ofthe Federation October 30, 2000 – effective Dec. 30, 20002220.00PRODUCTS ANDSERVICES.LABELING AND PACKAGING FOR HOUSEHOLDCLEANING PRODUCTS.2220.00, Installation andoperation of Pharmacovigilance.Published in the DOF on July 19, 20171572.50Environmental Health. Water for human use and consumption,sanitary requirements that the public and private supply systems must complywith during the handling of water. Sanitary procedures for the sampling.Published in the DOF July 12, 20022400.00That establishes thearchitectural requirements for facilitating the access, transit, use andpresence of the persons with disability in establishments of ambulatory andhospital medical attention of the National System of Health.2035.00,Installation and operation of Technovigilance Published DOF Oct. 30, 20121300.00,Good Manufacturing practices for establishments dedicated to the manufacture ofmedical devices.2200.00Requisitossanitarios y calidad del agua que deben cumplir las albercas.2035.00, Products andservices.

Cereals and their products. Cereals, cereal grains, brans or semolinas.Food products based on: cereals, edible seeds, grains, brans or semolinas ortheir mixtures.

Breadmaking products. Sanitary and nutritional provisions andspecifications. Test methods4400.00Hygiene practicesfor the processing of food products, beverages or food supplements.2035.00Environmental Health.Toys and school articles. Limits of Bioavailability of heavy metals. Chemicalspecifications and test methodsPublished in the DOF on May 15, 2012 - reform published June 10, 20152035.00,In matters of biotechnological drug products700.00all the SSA translations in this section are included in the.

Law,Regulation, or Standard (NOMs)RegulationsPESOS– published in theDOF on Dec. 22, 1993 – last reform published DOF june 25, 2018832.50Published in the DOF on June 1, 2006 – last reform published DOF1572.50(Published inthe Official Daily of the Federation on the 7 th of April of 1993,Reformed Nov. 28, 2003, November 28, 2006 – last reformNov. 20, 2012 – effective date Feb. 20, 2013)1300.00Vehicles that transit on theHighways, and Bridges under Federal Jurisdiction.latest reform published November 15, 2006919.00published in the DOF May 12,1995Thistranslation has been updatedwith the reforms published April24, 2018$1,228.00List of the hazardoussubstances and materials most usually transported.Published in the DOF Jan. 27, 2012 – effective March 27, 20122400.00.EFFECTIVE OCT.

15, 2008 - Modification publishedFeb. 26, 20091300.00SYSTEM OFIDENTIFICATION OF UNITS DESIGNATED FOR THE TRANSPORT OF SUBSTANCES, MATERIALS,AND HAZARDOUS WASTES EFFECTIVE OCT. 18,2008 - Modification published Feb. 26, 20091300.00Emergency information for the transport of hazardoussubstances, materials, and wastes.Published in the DOF on Aug. 14, 2008 – effective Oct. 14, 20081300.00TechnicalSpecifications that lifebuoys must comply with. Publishedin the DOF June 15, 2006.900.00Technical Specifications that lifejackets must complywith.Published in the Official Daily of the Federation June 16, 2006.900.00Basicaspects for the daily visual inspection of the unit designated for motortransport of hazardous materials and wastes.Published inthe DOF Aug.

22, 2011 – effective date Oct. 22, 2011500.00Markings on containers and packages designated forthe transport of hazardous substances and wastes.Published in the DOF Sept. 6, 2010832.50, Special specificationsand compatibility for the storage and transport ofhazardous substances, materials, and wastes of Class Iexplosives. Published inthe DOF on Feb. 12, 20102800.00Provisions for the compatibility and segregation, for the storage andtransport of hazardous substances, materials, and wastes.900.00Conditions for the transport of hazardous substances andmaterials contained and/or packaged in limited quantities. Published July 5,2012 in the DOF – Effective date Sept.

5, 2012900.00That establishes thespecifications for technical aeronautical publications. Published in the DOFon December 3, 2001700.00On themaximum weight and dimensions with which the motor transportvehicles may circulate that travel on the general routes ofcommunication under Federal jurisdictionPublished in the DOF on December 26, 2017 – takes effect on Feb. 0.00, Guidelines for the preparation of the ContingencyPlan for Vessels that Transport Hazardous Goods.647.50Technicalspecifications and general provisions for the cleaning and controlof residues of hazardous substances and wastes in units thattransport hazardous materials and wastes. Publishedin the DOF on Jan. 27, 2016832.50Frequency of drydockinspections for naval vessels and artifacts.

Published in the DOF May 14, 1999700.00Specifications for the construction and reconstruction, as well asthe testing methods of the containers and packaging for hazardoussubstances, materials and wastes. PESOS INCLUDES IVApublished inthe DOF November 29, 1958 – last reform published November 28, 2008900.00Published in the DOF August 11, 2014647.50published in the DOF on Oct. 31, 1995 – last reform Nov. 28, 2008832.50published in the D.O.F. November 8, 19951300.00Quality of Natural Gas(cancels and substitutes NOM-001-SECRE-2003 Quality of Natural Gas)2200.00Factors for the calculation of the equivalentdose.Published in the DOF on December 6, 2013647.50Natural gas utilization installations (cancelsand substitutes the NOM-002-SECRE-2003, Natural gas utilizationinstallations).

Publishedin the DOF Feb. 4, 2011 – April 05, 2011.2200.00, Thermal efficiency of water heaters for domestic andcommercial use.

Nom 002 semarnat

LawsPESOSIVA INCLUDED1757.50- La Ley Aduanera Majorreformpublished june 25, 2018Regulation2775.00Published in the DOF on April 20, 2015 –Effective date June 20, 20152775.00Published in the DOF October 17, 2012– last reform (MEXICO'S MONEY LAUNDERING LAW)1017.50- IMMEX DECREE832.50OF THE GENERAL RULES FOR FOREIGNCOMMERCE FOR 2019 - COMPUTERIZED SYSTEM OF INVENTORY CONTROLPublished in the DOF on June 24, 2019462.50REGLAS GENERALES de Comercio Exterior para 20194500.00- Includes theCustoms Law and Regulation and all decrees4500.00- Secretary of Foreign Relations. Law andRegulationPESOSIVA INCLUDEDThis translation is current and includesreforms published Dec. 20, 2001, January 5, 2004, Aug. 11, 2004, December 14,2005, August 11, 2006, Jan 16, 2009, May 26, 2009, June 18, 2009, April 09, 2012, May 28, 2012M, Jan.16, 2014 NOV. 12, 2015, May 1, 2019, r eformpublished june 4, 2019 and July 2, 2019REGULATION OF MEDICAL BENEFITS OF THE MEXICAN INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL SECURITY-REGULATIONOF THE SOCIAL SECURITY LAW-4500.00- Prosecutor for the Protection of theConsumer.

A Water Quality Index (WQI) is a simple numeric expression reflecting the quality of water in any ecosystem at a given time. The objective of this study was to develop a WQI for the man-made dam Francisco I.

Madero located in Chihuahua, Mexico. Eight points were randomly selected in the dam area and at each point water samples were collected monthly from March 2011 to February 2012 at three depths; 0.30 m, 5 m and 10 m. The following physical-chemical variables were measured: potential hydrogen (pH), electrical conductivity (EC), dissolved oxygen (DO), temperature (T), turbidity, total dissolved solids (TDS), total hardness (TH) and chlorides (Cl - ). In a first step for data analysis, an analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed for each variable considering a factorial treatment design 12 × 3 in which factor A was the month with 12 levels (sampling months) and factor B was the depth with three levels (0.30 m, 5 m and 10 m).

In a second statistical step, the WQI was calculated for each month only for the surface sampling (0.30 m) and the resulting value was classified under three categories; 2.5 as excellent water. The results showed the following ranges for single variables: pH of 7.63 - 10.65, EC of 190 - 320 μS cm -1, DO of 1.30 - 12.1 mg L -1, T of 11.30°C - 30°C, Turbidity of 0-1, 120 NTU, TDS of 170 - 220 mg L -1, TH of 240 - 900 mg L -1 and Cl - of 7.28 - 7034 mg L -1.

The calculated WQI demonstrated that water quality varies seasonally and was classified as poor in the rainy season to good in winter season. We conclude that in general the water from the dam is acceptable and suitable for ecological and a broad spectrum of other purposes.

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