Oxford Business English International Express Elementary Pdf
International Express Upper Intermediate Teacher's Book Pdf
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ReUploaded by arcadius New interactive edition of the best-selling course for adult professional learners.International Express has a proven formula that combines general English with business situations. International Express has a proven formula that combines general English with business situations. It gives students the social and functional English they need to work, travel, and socialize.Who is it for?Adult professional learners.Key featuresMature lifestyle topics and authentic international contexts reflect the real needs and interests of working adults.'
Focus on Functions' for socializing, telephoning, and participating in discussions, enabling learners to communicate confidently in work-related situations.Regular review units and self-study options in the Workbook, Student's Audio CDSample pages:International Express Elementary (Student's Book, Workbook, Student's CD)Oxford University Press 2007 PDF Pages: 104 +70 ISBN-10: 052153156X WMA (128 kbps, 44.1 KHz, 2 channels) 97.3 MBStudent's bookWorkbookFiule Type: PDF+mp3 File Size 87.00MBDownLoad.