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The Control Room—This features an Avid ProTools (most current version) HDX-2 system, including a loaded Mac Pro, Avid HDX and Apogee Symphony interfaces, and much added software. We also have the Focusrite REDNET HD32R interface for using Dante audio with ProTools. Besides ProTools, current versions of Apple Logic Pro X. The console is the Solid State Logic AWS 900, with SSL’s SE & V4 Software Upgrade installed to bring it up to current specifications. Monitors are by Genelec, Tannoy, and Yamaha, with Event, Adam, JBL and Auratone available. Outboard gear includes API, Manley, Chandler, Empirical Labs, TC Electronics, Lexicon, Millennia, dbx, Great River, Yamaha and more.

A Korg Kronos X-88 synthesizer workstation is used for both its sounds and as a keyboard controller, and a Roland Integra-7 sound module and a vintage Minimoog lead an array of available hardware synthesizers and samplers. The Control Room has views into the Studio, the “Trident Room“, and the Isolation Room. Patchbay is Neutrik, with Mogami wiring throughout the Control Room. A Korg MR2000 1-Bit digital recorder and a restored 1/4' reel-to-reel analog tape machine are used for destination media when mixing “outside the box”. An Otari MX-80 24-Track tape machine with its Remote Controller and Auto-Locater is used for analog multi-track recording. DAT and ADAT (24 tracks with a BRC controller) are available for digital tape use and archival purposes, along with a disk record turntable.

Complete details can be found in 'The Control Room' button below.The Trident Room—This is our 'Second Control Room' and a music production space, adjacent to The Control Room. It features an Avid ProTools (most current version) HD3 system with Digidesign and Apogee Rosetta interfaces, with added software and virtual instruments. An Avid Artist Control and two Artist Mix control surfaces can interface with this ProTools system. We also have implemented Dante audio technology in this room, using various Focusrite REDNET hardware units. Featured in The Trident Room is its namesake, a restored Trident Series 65 console. Loudspeakers are EV and Auratone, with other speakers available.

Tielines connect to The Control Room, various outboard processors are available, and a Korg MR2000, an Alesis Masterlink and DAT machines are used for mixing “outside the box”. Many vintage musical instruments are present, including a Minimoog, ARP Odyssey, Akai MPC2000, and an Emulator E-II (with 100’s of discs!).

Complete details can be found in 'The Trident Room' button area below.The Studio—This is an asymmetrical room with a high slanted ceiling, and large enough to accommodate up to 60 musicians. There are 32 analog mic inputs and up to 15 individual analog headphone sends available. When using these headphones sends Presonus HP4 headphone amplifiers are utilized. Typically Audio-Technica ATH-M50 are used for headphones. Neutrik jacks and Mogami cabling are used for all mic and headphone runs. We also have added six Focusrite REDNET MP8R Dante mic preamps (providing another 48 signal sends to the Control Room or any other room in the Audio Recording Program), and besides the analog headphone sends mentioned earlier, we have the Hear Back Pro headphone mixers to provide each artist in the Studio the ability to set their own headphone levels. Musical instruments and equipment include two drum sets, plus a Pearl studio drum set available on request.

Kawai 6’ grand piano, Fender Rhodes Suitcase electric piano, and guitar and bass amplifiers. Orchestral percussion instruments in this room can be requested for session use. The Studio has a moderate reverb time, with proper diffusers and absorbers. Being a college, there are enough music stands and chairs for even the largest orchestral or big band configurations!The Isolation Room—To the right of and viewable from the Control Room, the Iso Room is large enough to comfortably accommodate a drum set or several singers. It is acoustically neutral, and has 3 analog mic inputs and one analog headphone send. Focusrite REDNET hardware are also included to provide additional microphone sends to the Control Room (or anywhere else at the CSN North Las Vegas Campus!), as well as providing additional headphone sends using Hear Back Pro monitoring stations.The Nomad—Portable and totally self-contained, it resides in The Iso Room; but as its name implies can travel to wherever it may be needed.

Two Dangerous Music 2-Bus 16x2 Summing Devices combine up to 32 interface/audio outputs of ProTools to a single stereo output. This output can then be fed to inputs of the Alesis Masterlink in the setup, or our Korg MR2000 1-Bit Digital Recorder can be brought in as an alternative 2-track recorder.

The Nomad also has a pair of new Adam F5 self-powered monitors, which can be substituted with one of our other sets of near-field speakers. Signal routing for all of this, to provide monitor sends and communications to artist’s headphones, handle additional audio sources and so on is managed by a Presonus Monitor Station. The ProTools system also features an Avid Artist Control. The Artist Control is a hardware controller for ProTools with 4-faders, touch-screen, buttons and scrub-wheel, and uses Ethernet protocol for high-speed data transmission. (For Artist Control details please visit ). An Apogee Symphony I/O is used for this system.

A Focusrite OctoPre MKII 8-channel preamplifier is used for mic or line input signals, and has both analog and digital outputs. Plugins include all present with 'The Computer Music Classroom/Lab' below, plus Native Instruments Maschine. DANTE hardware is also installed in The Nomad's rig.The CSN Computer Music Classroom/Lab—This room follows the concept of 'One Computer Per Student'. With 12 identical Student Stations, each position has a new iMac computer with a Solid State Drive and 16 GB RAM. All have a dedicated external 2TB Glyph Hard Drive, M-Audio Oxygen 49 MIDI Keyboard Controller, and a USB Hub. Software installed on all iMacs are identical. The Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) software systems are all the most recent versions (or close to it, updates for these happen all the time!).

These DAW platforms are Avid Pro Tools, Ableton Live Suite, and Apple Logic Pro X. The music publishing program Makemusic Finale is also installed on all computers. Plugins include Waves Platinum bundle, SoundToys bundle, Softube bundle, Native Instruments Komplete, iZotope, Arturia Collection virtual instruments, several new virtual instruments and more!

Our Classroom/Lab is 100% DANTE, with redundant digital and analog systems in place.' The Storage Room Lab'— The Lab has three identical iMac-based systems. The computers, software, and hardware ('peripherals') are the same as for our Computer Music Classroom/Lab to guarantee portability of DAW projects between these two rooms. Additionally, the three iMacs in this room have Native Instruments Machine software, with the hardware controllers available for use. Besides being used during classes, the Lab is available for independent student practice. Focusrite RedNet X2P 2x2 DANTE Audio Interfaces are employed on each computer.The Recital Hall—Across the hallway from the recording studio area is the 125 seat, newly remodeled Recital Hall, which has mic and line sends to the Control Room. Audio form live concerts or video shoots can be recorded directly in the Control Room, and the Steinway Model B 7’ grand piano in the Recital Hall is available upon request for session recordings.

The Recital Hall is wired for DANTE technology use to connect audio signals from it to any other area in our Program.Microphones—CSN’s constantly growing selection of microphones includes models by Neumann, AKG, Coles, Royer, Audio-Technica, Peluso, Microtech Gefell, Beyer, Earthworks, Mojave, Lauten, Sennheiser, Shure and more. Radial, Sescom, ProCo Sound, and custom units are among the DI boxes available. A complete CSN Audio Recording Microphone and DI Box List can be viewed in a button below.Miscellaneous—We have a huge selection of sound effects and production music libraries for students to use for Class and individual training.and more involved in what we have to offer! The CSN Computer Music Classroom/Lab (Room N119) follows the concept of 'One Computer Per Student'. With 12 identical Student Stations, each position has a new iMac computer with a Solid State Drive and 16 GB RAM. All have a dedicated external 2TB Glyph Hard Drive, M-Audio Oxygen 49 MIDI Keyboard Controller, and a USB Hub to facilitate adding items such as student's Flash Drives and other peripheral devices.All software installed on all iMacs are exactly the same. The Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) software systems are all the most recent versions (or close to it, updates for these happen all the time!).

Roger Troutman Discography Rar Download Free Software Programs Online Free

These DAW platforms are Avid Pro Tools, Ableton Live Suite, and Apple Logic Pro X. All computer stations also have the MakeMusic Finale music publishing software, used in our MUS 160 'Computer Music Technology I' Course along with Ableton Live and Apple Logic.Ableton Live's 'Push' hardware controllers are available as well, and used in our MUS 264 'Ableton Live' Course.We have a great collection of added 'plugin' software on all computers that function on all DAWs. These run the full range from software instruments ('Virtual Instruments' or 'VIs') through all categories of signal processors like equalizers, compressors and limiters, reverbs, delays, mastering and so on.

The software companies whose products we have (in most instances being bundles of their plugins consisting of many or most of their releases) include Waves Platinum bundle, Native Instruments Komplete, Softube bundle, SoundToys bundle, Arturia V Collection, KV331 SynthMaster, Lennar Digital Sylenth, and many more!We use Dante digital technology in this room, using a Yamaha QL1 digital mixer to route the Instructor's and all Student's digital audio signals in any way that is needed or desired. 'Dante' has become the current standard for transmitting digital audio in multi-room facilities, complex educational situations, and live sound. Dante sends digital audio using Ethernet connections (Audio over Internet, or 'AoIP'); at CSN this is done using the CSN Network system. Students log into our Networked computers, and then view and use the Desktop of their designated Stations as if it is their own (they can even do things like customize their Desktop).Each Station has a Focusrite RedNet AM2 for Dante headphone monitoring. All also have Focusrite Scarlett USB Interfaces with mic/line inputs that can be utilized to plug in any analog microphones or musical instruments (also for headphone outputs if needed). Solid State Logic AWS 900'SSL' is one of the premier manufacturers of recording consoles. Besides being widely used in educational institutions such as Full Sail University in Miami, the AWS 900 has proven popular with commercial recording facilities and project studios for artists around the world.

Roger Troutman Discography Rardownload Free Software Programs Online

This console is of the 'Analog-Digital Hybrid' variety, using the same quality analog electronics used in SSL’s flagship Duality console, and in digital “focus” simultaneously acts as a HUI controller for DAWs (in our case primarily Pro Tools.) Analog features include SSL’s “E” and “G” Series EQ, stereo bus compressor, and assignable dynamics processing; DAW features control mixing, transport, plug-ins and many commonly used computer keyboard functions. Our AWS 900 has the AWS V4 Upgrade, the “Total Recall” feature, and has recently had new faders installed.For more AWS 900 information go to and for a listing of some of the studios using this SSL console visitDigital Audio Workstation (DAW) SystemMac Pro: Avid ProTools HDX-2/Logic Pro X/Ableton Live Suite/Native Instruments MaschineProTools is used as the primary system for recording, editing, processing and mixing. Included in CSN’s ProTools configuration are 2 HDX PCIe cards, Avid HD 16x16 audio interface (I/O), Apogee Symphony 16x16 I/O, Apogee Big Ben Master Word Clock, and MOTU MIDI Timepiece. We now have full implementation of Audinate DANTE technology in our Control Room, with a FocusriteRed16Line (Dante-to-Pro Tools) interface and a Yamaha Rio 1608-D (mic/line signals-to-Dante for multiple uses) unit installed, and complete use of the Hear Technologies Hear Back Pro headphone monitoring system available (along with up to 16 individual analog headphone sends). See the 'CSN Audio Recording Microphone, DI Box, and Plugin List' button for a complete list of software in The Control Room. (Note: Like any studio we constantly add more, but this list is reasonably up to date.)The current main computer in The Control Room is a Mac Pro 12-core with 3.06 GHz processors, 48 GB RAM, 512 GB Solid-State Drive for applications, 3) 1TB SATA drives for data, and 2) optical drives.

There are several external hard drives used for backing-up data. More than one video monitor is used, including a 50” high-definition screen.Analog RecordingOtari MX-80This 24-track 2” reel-to-reel machine is in impeccable working order, and operates at either 15 or 30 IPS (inches per second). Both CB-124 Remote Control Unit and CB-120 AutoLocator are connected. A fully restored 3M 1/4' half-track machine also resides in The Control Room.

MonitoringGenelec DSP with GLM software 5.1 system comprised of five 8250A speakers and two 7260A subwoofers, Yamaha NS-10Ms (near-fields), and Tannoy 15DMTs (far-fieds) are setup and selectable from the console. JBL 4208s, Event 20/20s, Adam F5s, and Auratone Cubes are also available. A Lynx Aurora 8 digital audio converter and Sound Anchor speaker stands are used for the Genelecs, which act as mid-field monitors.

Bryston and QSC power amps, Mogami, Kimber Kable, and Blue Jeans Cable are generally used in the signal path from the SSL console to the other monitors. Mixing ConsoleTrident Series 65This is a classic analog English mixboard, with a separate monitor section design. It is a 32x16x2 configuration: 32 I/O modules, 16 channel monitor section (for group outs and signal returns or inputs), and a master stereo output. It also has 8 Aux Sends, 8 group Insert Sends and 4 Echo (FX) Returns, and is especially known for its “British” or “musical” EQ sound.DAW SystemsAvid ProTools HD 3 Accel Ableton Live Suite, Apple Logic, Native Instruments Maschine - Waves DigiGrid DLS, Dante interfaces and Mac ProThe Trident Room ProTools system is configured for 24 interface I/Os and runs the most current Ultimate software version.

Nterfaces presently are a Digidesign 192 and a Digidesign 96; 24 simultaneous inputs and outputs can be easily used with the Trident console, with additional ones added in various ways. There is also an Apogee Rosetta 800 that can be used for certain applications (such as dedicated multiple outputs of Native Instruments Maschine). For the HUI in The Trident Room, we have an Avid Artist Control and two Artist Mix control surfaces (20 faders total). A Digidesign MIDI I/O and SYNC I/O are also installed.

Wordclock is provided by an Apogee Big Ben. The list of software (plugins) in the Trident Room is compatible to those in The Control Room. One or two video monitors can be used, including a 42' screen.We are also incorporating more Focusrite RedNet Dante hardware devices to facilitate direct recording into the Trident Room from the Studio, Isolation Room, and any other location at the CSN North Las Vegas Campus that has Dante connections. The Isolation ('Iso') RoomOur Recording Studio Iso Room is to the right of our Control Room. As the Studio is to the left of The Control Room and with double-glass walls on either side, there are sightlines between the Studio and Iso Room. The Iso Room is about 9' x 11' and is acoustically neutral.

There are three microphone inputs and one headphone send to and from to The Control Room (analog signals). Added to these, we have Dante hardware to add as many microphone and/or line level signals as needed from the Iso Room to The Control Room (or anywhere else on the CSN North Las Vegas Campus), and to provide multiple Hear Back Pro headphone mixes to the artists.There is a new Roland V-Drums TD-15 in the Iso Room. The Nomad'The Nomad' is a portable and totally self-contained DAW recording system. It lives in the Iso Room; but can be moved to anywhere else it may need to go (hence its name!). One can think of the essence of this system as being an awesome home/personal recording setup.

It is placed in a stock audio recording two-level desk that has been hot-rodded structurally.In this configuration is a powerful Mac computer. An Apogee Symphony I/O is used for this system, and a Focusrite OctoPre MKII 8-channel preamplifier is used for mic or line input signals, having both analog and digital outputs.Focusrite Dante hardware is also installed in The Nomad for integrating audio to anywhere else on the CSN Campus.If assigning audio outputs to multiple analog outs is desired, two Dangerous Music 2-Bus 16x2 Summing Devices can combine up to 32 interface/audio outputs to a single stereo output. This output can then be fed to inputs of the Alesis Masterlink in the setup, or any alternative 2-track recorder that we have.The Nomad has a pair of Adam F5 self-powered monitors which fit neatly on the shelf of the desk. Signal routing for monitoring is managed by a Presonus Monitor Station.Software on The Nomad contains all of those in our Computer Music Classroom Lab and The Storage Room Lab; there are also quite a few additional plugins. The DAW platforms are Avid Pro Tools, Ableton Live Suite, Apple Logic Pro X, ad Native Instruments Maschine.We have a great collection of added 'plugin' software on all computers that function on all DAWs.

These run the full range from software instruments ('Virtual Instruments' of 'VIs') through all categories of signal processors like equalizers, compressors and limiters, reverbs, delays, mastering and so on. The software companies whose products we have (in most instances being bundles of their plugins consisting of many or most of their releases) include Waves Platinum bundle, Native Instruments Komplete, Softube bundle, SoundToys bundle, Arturia V Collection, KV331 SynthMaster, Lennar Digital Sylenth, and many more!