Disciples 2 1.3 Patch

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  1. Disciples 2 1.3 Patch 2 1 3 Patch 2018
  2. Disciples 2 1.3 Patch 3 Patch Replace 1 4a

This patch/wrapper redirect legacy DirectDraw graphics into OpenGL and allows play games on modern PC with Windows 10. Added proper windowed mode and several upscale filters for better gaming on modern screens.Fixes & features:. Games render via OpenGL. Games can now easily minimize on new OS. Games can now easily switch into windowed/fullscreen mode. Added several upscaling filters (ScaleNx, Super Eagle, Sal, ScaleHq and xBRz). Added game speed selection.

Game can run faster now, up to 3x. AI thinks much faster.

32bpp rendering. Added selection of any resolutions (4x3, 16x10, 16x9.) up to 4-8K. Disciples II: Added option to select widescreen battle windowSupported games and versions:. Disciples I: Sacred Lands. Disciples II: Dark Prophecy.Disciples II: Gallean's Return.


Disciples II: Guardians of the Light. Disciples II: Servants of the Dark. Disciples II: Rise of the ElvesInstallation:Disciples I. Make sure Disciple.exe doesn't use any compability modes (especially for GOG releases), or just rename it (e.g. Game.exe). Download archive below. Extract its content into game 'EXE' folder near main Disciple.exe (e.g., D:GamesSacred LandsEXE.).

Launch Config.exe from game 'EXE' folder and make sure DirectDraw option is checked. Launch Disciple.exe. Have fun;)Disciples II. Make sure Discipl2.exe doesn't use any compability modes (especially for GOG releases), or just rename it (e.g. Game.exe). Download archive below.

Extract its content into game root near main Discipl2.exe. Launch ConfigEditor.exe from game root and make sure Direct3D option is unchecked. Launch Discipl2.exe. Have fun;)Downloads:.

913 KBExamples:. Hi, thanks for your reply. Wine is Windows API wrapper and I didn't optimize my GL wrapper for it. But, anyway, I've installed game and Wine on Ubuntu WM and didn't notice problem that you described. But I noticed similar problem by/after switching windowed mode on/off (F4). This is because GL wraper uses special windows switching to force enable OpenGL borderless window on Windows OS, and Wine handle it incorrectly.

Disciples 2 1.3 Patch 2 1 3 Patch 2018


So I disabled this option for Wine and it shoudl work fine now. Please download GL wrapper and check you problem still exist. Hi!These stuff are awsome and many-many times help gaming on linux via wine too, because when ddraw is translated to GL calls things go much more compatible with wine too.I am interested in the process of creating these things. Can you document how you are making these so others can follow?Also, do you create a new ddraw.dll for every game from scratch or do you make these in a somewhat 'incremental' way?

I mean if for example this DLL contains stuff from earlier ones too? I am just asking because sometimes I tend to try other games, but i need to use the latest DLL if things are incremental:-). Question about changing resolutions using Steam Play Proton.I was wanting to use this to play Disciples 2 using Steam's Proton. It works great for running the game at its default resolutions in Linux without any modifications. However, I don't know how to access the other resolutions to at least get the game in to wide screen when I open it through Steam. I would rather have Steam handle my games for convenience. I have very little experience making games work with Proton or WINE, but I feel that a short guide on how-to would be nice.In Linux, the game starts in full screen and pressing F4 does nothing, so I do not appear to have access to the menus that I see in Windows.

Hi, i have two versions of Disciples 1: Sacred Lands v1. First of these versions is from GOG and needs CD and second is not a GOG version and it doesn't reqires CD. Both versions are: 'file version: 2000.6.22.1'.There is same problem, when i try run disciples 1 with your wrapper on both versions:When i run mission, there is interface problem: when i change party, picture, where shoul be displayed image of hero and info about his movie points doesn't changes: it always shows image of last selected cities.

If i have selected hero on map, i also can't choose buttons, which are below place, where should be displayed image of hero and info about his move points, i mean these buttons: 'Guard', 'Plant rod', 'Use Staff or Scroll' (i know that not all heroes have active this option, so i checked this with arch-mage and arch-angel to with same result). With button 'Use Staff(.)' is no problem, because mage can use these items from his inventory, but there is problem with button 'Plant rod' - i don't see any solution to plant rod by other way than using this button, so i can't plant rod in game, when i am playing with your wrapper. I know this is a issue connected with wrapper, because i can run game with unmarked option 'Use DirectDraw', and then there is no this problem. I also checked this problem with varoius option in wrapper, which can influence on this wird interface behavior: vsync off and on, aspect ratio, interpolation, full screen mode, coold cpu and this problem always exist, when wrapper is enabled. When i select city, here are active two buttons, which souldn't be: 'Exchange Between Parties' and 'Drop item' and when i click one of them, game stops/crashes and error appear (it is like the city tried drop or give to someone item) and than game is closing.


Disciples 2 1.3 Patch 3 Patch Replace 1 4a

Majority of test i have made with GOG verion, which needs CD on SINGLE PLAYER NEW QUEST A Tutorial The Empire (by the way: here is other interface problem: button 'Continue' is doubled, but it doesn't matter) defaults, but in second version of Disciples 1 (no CD) is same problem. This issue is present also when i load saves, which work properly without wrapper. It could be more serious issue with interface on openGL, than only about this 'plant rod' button at map (second 'Continue' button at game menu). Please check this problem, because i think this mod is very interesting, because it breaths new life into these old classic games (mostly because of game performance is increased and changing resolution is possible now: i have been looking for this such a long time in disciples). Thanks for your good job.

I think you first who try this GL wraper in exagear strategies. Any differences with D2 and with D1D2 wt. Gl wrapper (that must works both in exagear, just edit direct3ddraw to 1 or 0)? What exactly happened when you launch?I dont think you need replace dlls. Did you have latest app version? As i know it removed from G-Play.Another emuulators exist. Exagear's devs seems 'dead', and that app never work good.

At least for me. Better lurk some pdaandroid forums (like russian 4pda.ru or some vk.com communities). There is an ingame limitation. Image should be max 2048x1024.

Higher values lead to unexpected image artifacts at screen sides. Height 1080 is greather than 1024. So you can maually set approximate mode for example 1920x1024 and keep aspect ratio. It will give you almoust the same result, but with two small black lines at top and bottom of the screen. For this, just open DISCIPLE.INI file via any text editor and find DisplayWidth and DisplayHeight.Your new option shold be:DisplayWidth=1920DisplayHeight=1024.