Multiloader V5.65 .exe
In Softonic we scan all the files hosted on our platform to assess and avoid any potential harm for your device. Our team performs checks each time a new file is uploaded and periodically reviews files to confirm or update their status.
This comprehensive process allows us to set a status for any downloadable file as follows:.CleanIt’s extremely likely that this software program is clean. What does this mean?We have scanned the file and URLs associated with this software program in more than 50 of the world's leading antivirus services; no possible threat has been detected.WarningThis software program is potentially malicious or may contain unwanted bundled software. Why is the software program still available?Based on our scan system, we have determined that these flags are possibly false positives.
Multiloader V5 .65.exe Free Download
What is a false positive?It means a benign program is wrongfully flagged as malicious due to an overly broad detection signature or algorithm used in an antivirus program.BlockedIt’s highly probable this software program is malicious or contains unwanted bundled software. Why is this software program no longer available in our Catalog?Based on our scan system, we have determined that these flags are likely to be real positives.We’d like to highlight that from time to time, we may miss a potentially malicious software program. To continue promising you a malware-free catalog of programs and apps, our team has integrated a Report Software feature in every catalog page that loops your feedback back to us.Flag any particular issues you may encounter and Softonic will address those concerns as soon as possible. Embed this ProgramAdd this Program to your website by copying the code below.PreviewPreview.
MultiLoader's interface is easy and intuitive with big buttons for different functions. One of the best features of MultiLoader is its ability to detect a video URL in your clipboard. The program will ask if you wanted to download the video link that's in your clipboard and can do it immediately.Performance is quite impressive.
Download Multiloader V5 .65.exe
It downloaded videos in HD faster than any video downloader we've tested. HD videos took just a few minutes to completely download. Videos will be downloaded in their native format so HD videos download as.mp4 while some videos downloaded as.webm, a format that's officially backed by Google.If a certain video won't work on your device, no worries. MultiLoader includes a with tons of presets for different devices. Unfortunately, there was no HD setting for the iPad but most videos are downloaded as.mp4 and should work on the iPad without conversion.Overall, MultiLoader is an impressively full featured and speedy app. While there are some stability bugs and features to be fleshed out, we can still recommend it based on how many websites it supports and on its speedy performance. Author's review.
Multiloader V5.65 Free Download
MultiLoader is an advanced, state-of-the-art video and audio clip downloader that works with the most popular video services to date. You simply copy and paste the link to the video and the application will download a local copy for you.The application also includes a video converter that lets you transcode the downloaded files from one format to another and also offers a simple media player for previewing purposes.The fact that we support most video services is a major differentiatior. At the same time, we constantly provide new plugins and conversion presets to expand the capabilities of the product. MultiLoader is highly intuitive, easy to use and free.The application is dedicated to the multimedia enthusiasts that want to expand their video or audio collection in a legal manner. It is also aimed at users who want to rapidly convert files for their device of choice.